Monday, March 30, 2009

Officially I'm a Slacker

Unofficially I'm working on my blog and podcast; however, it is all brainpower and no physical. I need to change that to de-slackertize myself. I have tomorrow off, so I'm hoping to do some podcast creation and implementation.

So today I was doodling in a meeting and just as I was getting into it I was called on to give my input on the situation. Aaak! I always tend to perspire at this point. Anywho, I was pretty prepared to answer so I didn't feel so bad, and I listen while I doodle.

I'll do better and you'll be hearing from me soon. -Chau!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Big Brains Made for Doodling

Take a look at the above link. Did you know that Bill Gates creates oodles of doodles... Hmmm... maybe I have billions upon billions in my future? In any event, at least we know that we're not alone in this world and scribbling randomness during those boring moments is better for me than I thought.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hey Doodlers

I just wanted to take 5 and post this cover art for an up and coming podcast created by my main man Wheels! It's still lacking a few refining touches but gives a look into the refining process. Just like life should be, a continual refining process.

I know this isn't a doodle, but the whole idea started out as a doodle in my mind.

Anywho, I'll let you know when wheels has his first podcast posted. Carry on!